Jiani Zeng

Designer, HCI Researcher & Founder


Investigating new ‘material expressions’ and design methods using emerging technologies.

Jiani Zeng is a designer and HCI researcher working with emerging technology such as AIoT, soft-robotics, and multi-material 3D printing. She is also co-founder and CPO at Butlr.io, the people counting and occupancy sensing platform, for which she was named Forbes 30 under 30 in 2022.

Jiani creates tangible and responsive experiences that cut across digital and physical spaces. Through her work, she investigates new ‘material expressions’ and design methodologies with emerging technologies.


Inventor of Illusory Material,
Co-founder & CPO of Butlr
2021 Wallpaper* Next Generation Designer
2022 Forbes 30 under 30

“Imagine designing everyday products with 'impossible' materials that only exist in the digital world.

Jiani Zeng


Maroula Zacharias


Dr. Paola Guimerans